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The attacker measures the distance between themselves and their opponent by making walking stance with their foot to the outside of their opponent’s foot. Once this distance is established the attacker should return to parallel ready stance.
Starting Positions
Attacker and Defender
Parallel ready stance. The attacker should kihap to show that they are ready to begin, the defender kihaps to show they are ready to defend.
Number 1
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step the right leg back into a left walking stance, perform a middle section inner forearm outward block with the left arm. Remaining in this stance perform a middle section reverse punch with right hand.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 2
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step the left leg back into a left L-stance, perform a middle section inner forearm outward block with the right arm. Move the left leg forward at a 45o angle, move right leg to form a left L-stance to the outside of the attacker’s right foot. Perform a high section knife-hand strike to the neck with the right hand, pulling left hand back and finishing on the belt.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat on opposite side.
Number 3
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step out into left walking stance; perform outward release from grab followed by a high section reverse punch with the right hand (as in Joong Gun moves 14 to 16)
Repeat on opposite side.
Number 4
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch
Defence and Counter Attack
Step the left leg back into a left L-stance, perform a middle section inner forearm outward block with the right hand. Step out with left leg to form a sitting stance at a 45o angle to the opponent. Whilst doing this, extend the blocking arm to the opponent’s side just above the belt; perform a double punch and kihap.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 5
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Move right leg forward into a sitting stance at a 45o angle to the opponent, perform a middle section outer forearm outward block with the left arm and a high section punch with the right hand to the attacker’s jaw; perform these 2 moves simultaneously.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 6
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Move right leg forward into a sitting stance at a 45o angle to the opponent, perform a middle section knife-hand outward block with the left arm and an inward knife-hand strike with the right hand to the side of the attacker’s neck; perform these 2 moves simultaneously.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 7
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step backwards to the right at a 45o angle to the opponent forming a right leg back right L-stance, perform a forearm guarding block. Staying in this position, execute a middle section front snap kick with the right leg landing in a right walking stance; perform an obverse then reverse punch in fast motion.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 8
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step backwards to the right at a 45o angle to the opponent forming a right leg back right L-stance, perform a knife-hand guarding block. Execute a rear leg middle section side kick landing in left L-stance; perform a right knife-hand strike to the attacker’s neck.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 9
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step the right leg back to form a right L-stance, perform a palm pushing block with the left hand. Step back and to the left at a 45o angle to the opponent into the same stance, perform a forearm guarding block. Execute a middle section turning kick with the ball of the right foot to the opponent’s solar plexus landing with the foot to the outside of the attacker’s front foot in vertical stance; perform a knife-hand strike with the right hand to the opponent’s neck.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side
Number 10
Step forward into right walking stance, perform an obverse mid-section punch.
Defence and Counter Attack
Step backwards to the right at a 45o angle to the opponent into right L-stance, perform a knife-hand guarding block. Pivot on the left leg, execute a middle section back kick with the right leg landing in a right walking stance at a 45o degree angle to the opponent and perform a reverse knife-hand strike with the left hand to the philtrum.
Both return to parallel ready stance. Repeat for the opposite side